Sitemap - 2023 - The Budgette
17 things we learned about money this year
😠😠 Switching bank accounts is so tedious
Spending money to create efficiency and buy back time
Tell your lizard-brain to shut up: Why we aren't investing
So I was on tv last week talking about solo earners
Yes, Barbie, sometimes I think about dying
How to rebuild your finances after a job layoff
🪆🪆Guest post: Tips for the novice online merchant
How to financially deal after you've been laid off
Insurance for single people - wait, come back!
🚀🚀Getting financial advice on and off TikTok
Bulk buying when you're single
Paid subscriber post: Women, net worth and housing
Quick and dirty thoughts on International Women's Day and pay gaps for single women
Who's going to take care of your cat? 🐱
Catching up on retirement, American-style